Draelin was a little surprised that worked, but he was thankful it did (albeit for reasons other than those he expected). The child's laugh and shout gets him smiling again, and he passes her off to her parents, complimenting her spirit of adventure. Right, that was an interesting diversion, now to the business at hand - getting some people together. The star of the moment seemed like a good starting point - he wasn't quite sure what her deal was, whatever it was was weird enough to be out of his speciality, but she'd seemed a least a little interested when he'd told her his goal (at least, he thought so, lady had one hell of a poker face, although how much was his own wishful thinking was hard to say in hindsight) and if nothing else recent events had shown that having her around was probably a good idea.

Walking over to where the old woman is being healed - she can do that too? - Draelin smiles and waves once Ziri is done. "Hey, it's me. Draelin. We talked on the boat about why I'm here and what I'm looking for, and you seemed interested. Now we're here, I'm needing people to explore with - it doesn't seem like a good idea to go out there alone - and you've just made a good argument for wanting you around. Do you have other business here, or are you free and willing to come with me? The prize at the end is worth it." He doesn't say the "if we succeed" part of that last statement out loud.