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    Colossus in the Playground
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    St. Louis

    Default Re: Serpent's Skull: City of Seven Spears [IC]


    Description 6' 1", 160 lbs.

    She has the burnished skin of those who have spent time in the sun, red hair, and green eyes. She wears typical Druman garb, but with some of the frills cut away. Her beauty is awe-inspiring, but she is so in tune with voices not of the world that she tends to ignore people who don't use direct address, having a far-away look sometimes.

    Her zebra tribal tattoo is on her chest - from her suprasternal cavity down to below her navel, and includes the inner portion of her breasts. Given her clothing with the zebra's head tattoo above and below her limited torso clothing, this is likely to have a .... distracting effect on those not used to someone of her beauty.


    Of the two people in the vanguard that were the actual shipwreck survivors of Smuggler's Shiv, and therefore found information regarding Tazion and the "pillars of light" of Saventh-Yhi, Aron is by far the more proactive.

    While not the "leader" of the vanguard, she is nominally the one in charge of coordinating reports to Amivor Glaur, the lead Pathfinder and de facto mobile venture-captain. Since Kalabuto, her voice has taken a massive shift down in volume so that even when she shouts she isn't very loud, though her beauty and nearly ethereal quality have further increased. She no longer sings, but rather has poured forth her artistic effort into her flute. This lack of strong voice is another reason a woman who could easily take the lead with any group of which she is a part instead takes a support role.

    Practically within the group, Aron is the vanguard's primary divine caster, and therefore healing the party is her prerogative. Others have some healing or healing like ability (Gelik, Xhanfaerd, even Harrim), but primarily the duties fall squarely on her shoulders. She is also primarily a diviner with many strange powers related to her communing with the moon, but in-battle it often means that she knows when she is going to be attacked and effortlessly moves out of the way. Otherwise, she is the primary "first contact" with parties whose allegiances are unknown, and her knowledge of the natural forces of the jungle matches and that of strange metaphysics and cosmology rivals that of the far more studied Xhanfaerd. She is also the one who has he best chance of activating magical items not suited for the casting traditions of others.

    Homeland Kerse, Kalistocracy of Druma

    Last edited by lostsole31; 2022-05-11 at 01:11 AM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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