Fearlessly, Ziri threw herself into the path of the rampaging triceratops, hoping to wrestle it into the entangling vines that Farid had summoned. Draelin caught up a child in his arms, and Ziri's command for others to help spurred several terrified onlookers into action. Children were pulled aside as Ziri leant all her strength into the triceratops horns.

She might as well try to wrestle an avalanche. The creature was so massive that its momentum carried it through the enchanted vines as if they were string. However, the creature was domesticated, and Ziri's unafraid demands of the animal slowed it down some. As near-victims were whisked away, the dinosaur continued to move forward, pushing Ziri's feet backwards along the cobbles. Her weight wasn't enough to stop it, but it continued to slow.

It seemed to take forever, but a few moments later the animal's handlers caught up to it. One of them found a quick-release catch on the yoke, which tumbled to the ground behind them. The other joined Ziri at the animal's head, grabbing a hand-hold specifically pierced into the frill, and yanking hard to the left, while speaking soothingly to the animal. The dinosaur stumbled, then dropped to its front knees, skidded a few more feet, then finally was still.

There was a moment of breathless silence, then absolute bedlam as the people began to cheer, talk, shout, scream and laugh shakily. The little girl in Draelin's arm threw her arms around his neck and cried, "Again! Again!" Parents caught up their children and hugged them tight. The dinosaur handlers thanked Ziri profusely for helping prevent catastrophe. A tabaxi minstrel stared at Farid, then smiled appreciatively. The striped cat-person began quietly working out a beat on her drums, already working on a song to commemorate the near-disaster.