Begin Round One ...

Ozzy, what do you do? What do you direct Ginny to do? Your bright light and darkvision see one of these things to the south!

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Ozzy: 18. 1 CON damage. Spirit sensing stance.
* Under effects of soothe syrup (49 min).
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
>>> Ginny: 17.9.
Depora Azrinae: 17.
Rodriguez: 16.
* Under effects of soothe syrup (for about 32 min).
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Visto: 15.
Sol: 10.
* DEX Mutagen in effect for 19 min.
* Shield extract for 2 min.
Red Dretch: 7. (30:30).
Apophis: 6.
* Ingrown Nail: You take a -1 penalty on attack rolls until you score a critical hit. Heal: A DC 20 Heal check removes the attack penalties.
* AB: THP (5). +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Blue Dretch: 5. (30:30).