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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    At The Museum

    Lily had been about to reply with some screed about how given the circumstances that it wasn't possible for her to be "inordinately" interested in assisting the investigation, but Hannah's interruption delayed her for long enough to think it through. Sergeant Naples was clearly a competent cop, and was operating off of dangerously good instincts. The legible concerns he translated those instincts into were irrelevant; that response might have served well in a formal debate, but here the words would matter less than the intent behind the words. Whatever she said, what she would actually be communicating was a sense of "this one doth protest too much".

    Part of Lily was grateful that Hannah had stepped in to divert his attention elsewhere.

    A much bigger part of her was annoyed that her big sister felt like she needed to swoop in to protect her, whether or not she had been right.

    At Camp Bubble Brook

    Well. This was...let's...let's be generous and say "interesting". Yes. Interesting. Definitely much better than any alternate possibilities.

    So, ghosts? She wasn't sure. In fiction, it wasn't impossible for ghosts to move objects, but it tended to be...effortful. Not automatic. The people in the camp seemed to be acting as if nothing weird were going on, just going about their activities normally. Then again, Watcher's observations had indicated the camp was abandoned, so the objects themselves might not be quite material.

    All reports indicated the camp was abandoned, including Watcher's. No reports of objects moving on their own. So what they were encountering was different than others. Had they simply come closer than others? Was something about their personal power giving them a clearer view?

    Too many unknowns to say.

    "Scouting could be useful, but if we're trying to identify what we're actually seeing here, I think we need more than just observation." Lily replied to Nope's idea. "Can the campers perceive us? Can we make physical contact with them? There are questions we need to answer that require interaction. That said, we should also figure out why others didn't perceive what we are perceiving. Is it a factor of distance, of power, or of something else? It's possible that our own perceptions are being manipulated here."

    "For purposes of gathering data, my thought is something like, you scout, one of us tries to move as far away as possible while keeping the camp in view to see if perception changes with distance, one of us tries to interact with the campers to see what happens, and one of us hangs back and keeps tabs on the other three so they can step in if anything dangerous seems to be happening."

    "For purposes of 'you are obviously in a horror movie right now, act accordingly,' my thought is that superpowers or not splitting up is probably a terrible idea."
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-05-09 at 10:58 AM.
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