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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

  1. - Top - End - #44
    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Nightmare in Katapesh IC

    Kali spat on the ground one last time as the waves of nausea lessened. She could see the nearest monster fall mercifully still after that last blow, and Kali could only muster a weak nod of gratitude to the dwarf she had previously thought of as an ax-crazed miscreant. The gnome standing next to her looked to have taken the monster's vile secretions just about as well as she had, which lessened her embarrassment somewhat, but everyone else nearby seemed to be ok. Even more surprising, the goblin riding a smelly rodent was going around healing people. Katepesh was a truly strange place.

    There was no time to gather herself though, as the thin man from across the street jumped into action. Her stomach churned again as she saw eggs begin to emerge from the victims of the swarming creatures. This was all unlike anything Kali had ever seen before.

    "He's right, call the guards!" Kali responded to the weary gnome next to her as she took off down the street. She wasn't sure how any of them could deal with the swarm, but maybe they could at least save some people before the city guards got there.

    Her stomach still felt the sharp pangs of sickness and her throat was still burning from the coughing fit, but Kali could hear fresh screams erupting from down the street. It was a horrible wailing sound, difficult to hear over the ringing in her ears from the screeching monsters, but it was there. With a grunt, Kali ran as fast as her short legs could carry her and rounded the corner to yet another scene of horror.

    "Oh gods!"
    was the only thing Kali could exclaim as she witnessed the carnage that unfolded before her. Men, women, and children were all being savagely bitten by the tiny creatures. No doubt many had new eggs being planted in them as she stood momentarily stunned. The nausea she felt earlier threatened to overpower her again, but Kali had no time to waste anymore. The only person she could reach without jumping into the swarm itself seemed to be a boy she'd seen near some of the market stalls she'd passed earlier that day.

    "It'll be ok lad," Kali tried to say as calmly as she could manage. Whether it was more to calm the boy or herself down was unclear. "I'll get you out of there!"

    She reached out a hand to swat desperately at the aberrations crawling all over him, images of the egg erupting from the man in the colorful turban swimming through her head.

    "What the devil are these things!" Kali cursed loudly. "I don't see an end ta them!"

    Spoiler: Actions
    Action 1: Stride
    Action 2: Stride (This should allow Kali to reach a square next to B, though maybe not if she can't move through Sadar's space)
    Free Action: Release (Not holding the great axe with two hands anymore, leaving one hand free)
    Action 3: Medicine check to remove any eggs on B (1d20+4)[10] vs DC 13 (this includes the -1 from Sickened, I assume the -1 from Stupefied doesn't stack since they're both status penalties. If this isn't true, this number should be an additional -1)

    Spoiler: Current Status

    Kali Ashmane
    HP: 22/22
    AC: 18 (19 vs X1 creature)
    Class DC: 16
    Speed: 20ft
    Fort: +7
    Ref: +6
    Perception: +7

    Debuffs: Stupefied 1 (3/5 rounds), Sickened 1
    Last edited by Kirjath; 2022-05-08 at 09:30 PM. Reason: Evidently I'm terrible at proper url linking