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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    At the museum

    Naples, at least partially thanks to... basically everyone else, seems to arrive at tolerating the group. When he turns to leave, Nope says "Thank you, sir". Maybe it will, for some reason, draw some ire again, but, well... can't do anything about that. This is basically a great outcome, as far as Nope is concerned.

    At Camp Bubble Brook

    Okay. O-kay. Souls of children going about camp activities, either unknowingly stuck in a loop or something endless ongoing, if pop culture has even remotely any relevance here as a provider of possible explanations, and those possible explanations should be considered with a truckload of salt. Invisible counselors. And Watcher isn't aware of this. And Manchineel avoids this place. Basically this place triggers similar reactions as Doctor Proxy does for Nope. He has no idea what is going on, and what this place is capable of. And what it can do to them.

    And unless Apophis or his cult are having a field day here, they are also now dealing with a sixth superthing they know nothing about in this town.

    "What do you think are the chances I can make a counselor visible and that it is my namesake? And that some of them are just wandering around," Nope urgent-whispers. He... okay look, this is kind of a productive question, but mainly something he needed to get out of his head. "I can try looking around with removed presence. Can also try to do that for you, but, um, real talk, I don't know how reliable that'll be or how long and over what distances I can maintain that. Is not easy." Maybe the "cool guy Batman" thing would have been to say something like "I'll look around" and then just disappear to do a cool guy Batman investigation with cool guy Batman results, but Nope prefers trying to hash out with the others how they want to handle this. As, you know, a team.
    Last edited by Ridai; 2022-05-06 at 05:10 PM.