Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
Is the 3.5 version amphibious?
Yes, I've fixed that.

That's perfectly grammatical and sounds badass! It also means 'the lobster of kings', though; is that intentional?

Well, damn. A +16 to hit dealing up to 12d4+2d6+4 damage. That's one hard punch to shrug off for a level 5 PC!
That's true, though the likelihood of a Ram being able to use it's special attack at full speed is small seeing as it needs to move in a straight line. I need to decide on how to limit it tho. Maybe switch out some feats and do something to the ram if it does use the attack at full speed.

More like Sus taediosus. Boredom pig is perfectly good English, of course, but in Latin the adjective would be the better pick.
I switched it.

I don't think flight speeds are ever measured in squares, regardless whether there are other movement speeds or not.
If a critter has no land speed I always use that fr whatever speed it does have.

So, what's this ability actually called?

Hide should be +22 (+2 DEX, +8 racial, +12 size). With 4 skill points per level and only a -2 for INT, it should also have 4 more skill points to spend.

A nice one again, but I'm not sure it's a good fit. Depressa can mean a lot of things ('low', 'flattened (both lit. and fig.)' and worse yet, 'muffled'). What were you intending to convey?
I fixed the touch entry and the skills (I misremembered how many skills Undead get ). Heleophryne depressa is the name for the actual real life ghost frog.