Quote Originally Posted by Haval View Post
To the guard, 'I would be happy to. May I ask why though? I was under the impression that the Lady of the House was unlikely to be accepting visitors.'
The guard looked uncomfortable. "Not my place to question my Lady's decisions. She's been granting limited audiences to a small number of the guests, and your names are on her list."

Spoiler: Ravia Only
Looking over her data and reviewing the results, Ravia was able to find a few areas to make major improvements. Obviously the dosages had been off on a number of the things she had introduced, and would need to be fine-tuned. The third batch of drugs she tried showed much more promising results. Even in adults it increased density significantly while also increasing mass, and she expected that in more optimal subjects it would be more successful still. She kept the subjects under observation, and none of them developed obvious spurs or deformities. This lot was, so far, the winners. She filed away the details of what she had prepared, organised her notes on the bone growth formulae, and set about weaponising the more viable of the failed subjects. These experiments had, however, occupied a significant length of time. There would be more to come, of course, once they left Scintilla. Warp travel left plenty of time for all manner of activities.

((OOC: Done for now. More later))