Alright, to the naked eye, Delja looks like this perfectly presentable wispling described here. True Seeing would reveal that she's a gaunt little unkempt scaly nixie as described on her sheet (the picture's pretty accurate too), with the exception that she's also wearing a faded, weathered black or dark grey cloak currently covering her right arm entirely (should I make a new Sleight of Hand check or the original one made to conceal her sword still applies?).

Her auras are as follows:
Head: moderate transmutation; faint illusion
Face: 2×moderate transmutation
Throat: faint gtransmutation; moderate transmutation; faint conjuration
Shoulders: 2×moderate transmutation
Body: strong necromancy
Torso: faint transmutation; moderate abjuration
Arms: faint transmutation; moderate conjuration
Rings: faint abjuration, moderate transmutation; moderate abjuration, strong abjuration
Waist: 2×moderate transmutation
Feet (ankles, really): faint transmutation; faint conjuration; moderate conjuration
Back: 3×moderate conjuration
On belt: faint transmutation; moderate transmutation; faint evocation; moderate conjuration
In her right hand: 2×moderate transmutation; moderate evocation; faint evocation