Quote Originally Posted by b_jonas View Post
Spoiler: episode IX
I still don't understand why some people find Palpatine's return odd.

Palpatine faked his death in the least implausible way. He fell down a hole in his own throne room, so clearly he could have prepared that hole as a way to escape if the situation gets hot. This is in a universe with force fields that slow down your fall, and where Luke fell down a bottomless pit and survived. This is what we normally call a Disney death, its goal is that the villain can either stay dead or be revealed to have survived depending on what works better in a sequel.

Palpatine was already a powerful Force user, studying the secrets of the Dark Side and Dearth Plagueis. So now in Rise of Skywalkre he returned as a Force Lich. Rey revives him deliberately because an undead lich is more powerful than a living human.

Palpatine also acquired the Lost Orb somehow. Instead of putting it in an obvious moon-sized battle station to project power, he hides it in one of a swarm of a thousand identical ships, so that any one of them could be a planet killer and there's no way for the good guys to know which ship that is until it's too late.
Spoiler: Episode IX
Mostly because Sheev's death was presented as a death, and so people are less annoyed about him returning than him returning without explanation. Meanwhile Luke's survival was clearly shown, they're different situations.

That said I'm not convinced Palpatine will return in Campaign IX. Yes, he could be revived and have ordered a fleet of Star Destroyers with Mute, but he could also be Mute in Palpatine's body or Snoke's original body. Anything is possible.

But if Palpatine does return I'm sure the WIs will actually give an explanation.