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Thread: Nightmare in Katapesh OOC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Nightmare in Katapesh OOC

    IC thread
    Recruitment thread

    Welcome to the Nightmare in Katapesh OOC thread. Here is where we raise out of game concerns. Also, here is where the in game information will stored and additional info about the setting and NPCs will accumulate. If you really like something in the game, here is where to let me know. If you really dislike something about the game, or have concerns about the current direction, here is also where you should let me know. I really want this game to be fun for everyone, and feedback definitely helps.

    Character Player Class Race Hero Points
    Kharesh Hammerfist Starbin Monk Dwarf (Pahmet) 3
    Gurmok Gwynfrid Cleric Goblin 3
    Mauricio Averni Prehysterical Investigator Human (Tiefling) 2
    Dalnu Tuvasseh farothel Sorcerer Elf (Ancient) 1
    Sadar Al'Hamar DrK Fighter Human 1
    Kheti ibn al-jahat ZeroPrime Magus Automaton 1

    Retired Characters
    Character Player Class Race
    Kali Ashmane Kirjath Ranger Dwarf (Forge)
    Gex Daelfagnim BelGareth Sorcerer Gnome

    Spoiler: Posting Etiquette

    Naturally follow all GitP forum rules, in addition I ask that:

    General Posting Format

    I want ALL in character posts to be in the in character thread and all out of character posts to be in this thread or the discord. Most rolls should be made in the IC thread with your post concerning the action (in a spoiler, preferably). If you screw up a roll (as we all tend to do), just post the make up roll in the OOC thread. During combat, please post a character status summary, to help us all keep track - try to keep it up to date.

    “I want all character speech to be in a unique color and placed within quotations.” 1st person character thoughts should be in that same color and placed in italics.


    General practice decrees “god mod bad.” Here I hope to explain times when I feel god modding is okay. If anyone disagrees with these standards let me know.

    PC god mod another PC

    The only time this is okay is when the action is completely innocuous. For example:

    After reaching in to his pack, Sadar removes the heavy iridescent gem and says to Gormuk, “here , hold on to this for me.”

    The goblin accepts the stone. Sadar then proceeds to climb the tree.

    Here, Sadar godmodded Gormuk to do something innocuous, namely hold a mundane object. This is fine because it doesn't matter and it is better than the alternative, i.e. in the post Sadar holds out the stone for Gormuk to take it. Everyone waits until the post of, “ Gormuk takes the stone without comment.” appears and then Sadar's next action is posted. Still, it is better to avoid doing even such innocuous things if you can.

    God modding should NEVER be used to have another PC say something or to ascribe any emotion whatsoever to another PC. Basically only pointless, robotic actions in service to the speed of posting. Also, the modded PC should never be made to do anything that is remotely dangerous. In the example above, if Sadar asks Gormuk to hold to the Magical Stone of Erratic Catastrophic Explosions, or even unknown purpose magical stone, that would not be okay.

    PC god mod NPC

    Here, there is a bit more freedom. Basically, you should never have an NPC say anything that I would potentially have to undo. The NPC would never commit to any terms or say anything that would influence you or another PC. However, for instance, after you've agreed to the merchant last proposed price (that I made), then you are free to god mod the remainder of the transaction.

    DM mod PC

    I will do this occasionally under the following circumstances:
    • To provide emotions or action you do not control or entirely control (for instance fear effects or actions under confusion)
    • To provide information that you don't know your character would know (I'll also often do this over PM)
    • The first post, when I shuffle you all about
    • To progress the narrative (for instance having your character enter a room they were invited into rather than wait for everyone to post “I enter the room”
    • More importantly, for actions in combat (and possibly elsewhere), I will force your character to take an action (or possibly to take no action) if everyone else has acted and we are waiting on you for a bit. I hope this will never come up, but to be realistic, it will.
    • Some instance I'm probably forgetting...

    Last edited by SanguinePenguin; 2023-11-29 at 04:18 PM.