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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Lily grinned and gave Ariadne an appreciative wave as she shielded them with her barrier of threads. Unfortunately, Helios had been out of range, and resultantly came under heavy fire. Lily winced as the sun mage took some hard hits.

    But courtesy of Nope it was now four to two. Lily pointed one hand in the general direction of her allies, a vine extending out from her palm and winding its way around to all of them, a couple dozen golden hued and actually just slightly glowing berries growing from the vines as they reached each of her teammates' positions (and another bunch growing out from her hand.

    The berries began to grow brighter, and brighter, and then suddenly burst into golden nectar that would soothe their injuries and cleanse their ailments.

    Free: Reconfigure flower power. 20 points to Healing Nectar, 10 points to Medicinal Nectar, 10 points to Solar Nectar, 10 points to Floral Vines (applied to Healing with Dynamic Choices).

    Move: Nah.

    Standard: Healing Nectar on all allies, though Nope is uninjured so doesn't get any benefit. Persistent Restorative Healing.
    Lily: (1d20+10)[18]. 8/10 RP
    Ariadne: (1d20+10)[17]. 7/10 RP
    Helios: (1d20+10)[22]. 12+5 RP; removes one condition, 7/10 RP towards removing a second

    Extra Effort - Additional Standard Action: Do it again, rolled OOC.

    Current Status: Normal, Fatigued as of next turn.
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2022-04-20 at 10:14 PM.
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