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Thread: Sea of Stars - OOC III

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Re: Sea of Stars - OOC III

    It seems to me that the main difficulty in catching the Stalker is in working out what will actually draw him/her/it out. IIRC, there's been no obvious pattern to his targets other than their noble status, which isn't enough to either work out who his next target will be or to guarantee that the Stalker will have a go at Macharius. Therefore, it seems that the most important thing to try and work out is the Stalker's motive. If we can get a handle on that, there's a chance we can work out where he/she/it will strike next.

    Failing that, it seems the next best thing would be to try and get a closer look at the Stalker's methodology. How is it that the Stalker is able to bypass the security of all these nobles and kill with seeming impunity? Does he/she/it shut down their security measures - indicating a high level of skill and knowledge of the systems in use - or does he/she/it just bypass it, i.e. walk through walls or something?

    If the Stalker is a normal human and just a really good planner, he/she obviously needs to gather information before attacking. Perhaps there's a connection to be drawn there? Have all the victims attended the same social gatherings or been meeting with the same people? Perhaps they've all recently hired some new help - servants or guards who've later disappeared?

    Edit: Unless Destro insists on us constantly rolling Inquiry or Charm to get hold of this sort of information, I figure everyone that wants to could chip in on tracking down leads like this.
    Last edited by rax; 2022-04-11 at 03:08 PM.