Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
It was less then a ten minute drive to The Roast Beef and Pizzeria. After waiting an appropriate amount of time, Joanna drives herself, Jeremy and Blaze away from the factory and the run down moldering houses of New Bedford and back into North Dartmouth. Clustered shotgun houses and grimy liquor stores give way to homes with spacious yards, fenced in properties, and a picturesque suburbia in about five minutes on the road. The rough cobblestone road gives way to a more "normal" paved street.

The restaurant is a small one story house that has been converted to look like a NYC pizzeria. Joanna pulls into the back lot, empty except for two cars at the end of the lot parked in spots reserved for employees. The Uratha are left to wait, and about ten minutes later than promised, a beat up Toyota Prius pulls into the lot, bumping music at a volume far harder than it's speakers can handle. The car rolls up slowly to where Joanna parked, and the window rolls down. Phis sweater is wearing the exact same hoody, and he grins at the group from the passenger seat. "Yo," he half-yells over the speakers grinning, "looks like a party!"
"It's not a good party until it has somewhere to happen, but we're starting here!" Jeremy calls back, "Just need to get all the fixins!"