As Raphael panicked, Lily didn't even sigh. Resolving this non-violently had always been something of a long-shot, and they had come close. It had been well worth the try.

But now it was time to get down to business.

A light flutter of Lily's wings propelled her into the air, over the saplings, and past Raphael. She was heading for a large tree; Lily didn't quite know why, but some instinct told her it was probably best not to let her reach it. Once again, the flower interposed herself before the oxen, presenting a barrier far too small and delicate to have any hope of halting Raphael's enormous momentum. Even if power could cancel power, the simple physics of the situation simply were not on her side.

Physics. Heh.

Lily raised her hands, and the scent she had given off when she had been communicating with Raphael intensified by several orders of magnitude in an instant. Before it had been gentle, soothing, calming.

It still was. Just thousands of times moreso. She reached out with one hand, to lay it gently right at the tip of Raphael's nose. Raphael's momentum would push her effortlessly along. The flower could not have physically obstructed the oxen if she wanted to.

But chemically, even a tiny, delicate flower could stop an enormous oxen cold.

"Enough. It is time for you to calm down!" Lily said, as the heady scent billowing from her skin crashed like a breaking wave down on Raphael's nose.

Free: Reconfigure Flower Power. 5 points to Petal Wings, 10 points to Heady Scent, 10 points to Complex Scents, 10 points to Miasmic Scents, 10 points to Lingering Scents, 5 points to Overpowering Scent.

Move: Into AO17, like...10ish feet up? Right at Raphael's face-level, basically.

Standard: Attack Raphael with Flower Power, All Out Attack for 5, Power Attack for 5, at (1d20+10)[18]. On a hit, Resistance DC 25+Multiattack vs. Cumulative, Secondary Effect Immobilized+Impaired/Stunned+Disabled/Incapacitated Affliction.

Extra Effort - Additional Standard Action: DO IT AGAIN at (1d20+10)[23].

Current Status: Normal, Fatigued as of next turn, AoA -5.