Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
Regarding the discussion of degrees kelvin: 0 K is -273.15 c or -459.67 f.

0 k is like, the platonic ideal of coldness. If a state of coldness lower than that exists, we don't know to begin to detect it.

Edit: n the topic of Smash... Honestly, with Sora getting into Smash ultimate I don't think I have any dream picks left. Maybe Razputin.
0 K, or Absolute Zero, is undetectable because of how we detect things. A state of absolute zero has zero energy, zero movement, all the way down to the molecular level. We generally observe things by bouncing something off of them and observing the reflection. We see by how photons reflect off of physical objects and our eyes pick it up. However, if something is an an Absolute Zero state, then anything bouncing off of them, by definition, imparts at least some energy through Conservation of Momentum, which means the object is no longer at Absolute Zero. The particle used to observe the object itself imparts enough energy that the observed object is no longer at Absolute Zero.

Because of the laws of thermodynamics, we can't simply heat up the area around it either, to observe a void, because heat moves from highest state to lowest state and Absolute Zero is, by definition, the lowest state possible. Thus energy will move from the background to the object, meaning it will no longer be at Absolute Zero by the time we are capable of detecting the void it represents.

So yea, something at Absolute Zero is so cold, even the act of observation heats it up to some warmer state.