Lily observed Raphael's reactions carefully. She thought she more-or-less had a decent read on her, but it was hard to be sure; Raphael was not human, and this form of communication was still somewhat alien to Lily. She seemed to respond favorably...but then she reacted with sudden surprise, and unleashed power on her.

Lily wasn't sure what had prompted the reaction. Perhaps Raphael had a sufficiently strong connection to Manchineel and her wishes that Lily's attempt at deceiving her only served to reveal her as an enemy. But...her nose pinged fear, not anger or hostility (not that fear couldn't lead to plenty of damage in itself, of course). And Ntombi Peters had said Raphael was gentle by nature...and even Manchineel couldn't change a creature's nature.

There wasn't really time to think. Half on reason, half on instinct, Lily didn't flinch when the green light enveloped her, standing placidly and letting it roll over and through her. There was no visible effect. She felt a rush of vigor, like she was standing in bright sunlight, but more concentrated and intense. She was uninjured, but she was pretty sure that Raphael had tried to heal her. She wondered if it was some sort of test, if the light would have had no effect at all, or even proven harmful, if she were human.

Regardless, she could work with that.

"It's okay," she said with a gentle smile, gently stroking the fur (or is it moss?) of Raphael's shoulder. "Thank you. But..." What had she been trying to heal? Had she perceived a fellow member of the Menagerie for some reason in the form of a human? Or had she been trying to reverse the transformation Manchineel had inflicted upon her? "We are what we are, right?" she asked. She cupped her hands together, holding them up to Raphael in an offering gesture. A faintly golden liquid pooled within them.

Spoiler: If Raphael drinks the nectar
Raphael receives Healing at (1d20+10)[23].

(Flower Power currently set to Olfactory Clarity [10], Commune with Nature [5], Scent Processing [5], Scent Intensification [10], Healing Nectar [20].)

"Will you come with us, now?" she asked, still gently, but she allowed a touch of urgency to flavor her scent.

More Persuasion: (1d20+20)[28].