Spoiler: Ozzy >>> Ginny
"Attack from where Visto just was."
Ozzy waits for Ginny to move before taking action himself. He expected herself to move directly south, but she is smarter than that, and loops around from the west to not get attacked. She pecks at it, her beak barely scratching its weird body. Ozzy lowers himself once more into the uncanny stance which brings misfortune to his foes. Stepping into the space Ginny left, Ozzy launches a strike against the creature (hitting its hide) causing Ginny to be shrouded in Gloom.

R1T13: Rodriguez, you are currently holding a waterskin by your tail. You are too close to attack with your polearm. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Apophis: 23. Shield til 1.6 min.
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Visto: 20.
Ozzy: 14. 1 CON damage. Aura of misfortune.
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
>>> Ginny: 13.9.
Rodriguez: 13. Waterskin held by tail.
* Under effects of soothe syrup (for about 45 min). Mead should last another 9 min.
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Fungal Crawler: 10. (37:40).
Sol: 8. Produce flame til R11T16!!!