Chuil looks up and down nervously at Maiabel and Lamorak, his manner bringing to Lamorak's mind that of a small animal faced with a snake or a hawk and trapped without escape, choosing whether to flee when such was impossible or hold their ground and hope they'd be passed over for more fitting prey. Fortunately for the goblin, unlike most of the stolen pets Lamorak has seen this tested on he better holds his nerve. He ducks his head low in an odd sort of bow then answers.

"Obviously my lord I would first ask Madam Maiabel, who is and is not to be struck at, who you wish to invite conflict with and who you wish to stay the hand of, ensure I do not bring issue onto you without your noble majesty being forewarned. With your permission I'd contiue to strike at your brother's kingdom's shipping. They are for the moment without a strong enough navy to contest us outside of their own waters, and much of their coastal infrastructure is still being repaired. Other private venture's I'd make to attack opportunistically as well.

Lighter and smaller vessels used for private trade are good targets sir, as there are fewer faster sailors than those under my command and they'll have little chance to fight. As for coastal towns sir few of those in this bay have much wealth worth the risk of foe's armies. Beastclan herds will eat your face before you can take them as plunder and they've little else worth taking besides food. Marcelia has most of their army still camped on the southern coast, and Odrana sets golems to protect anything of value. Outside of the city the only wealth they have is in the Mines and the Slaveports anyway."

All his comes out at a quick clip, half enthusiastic half fearful as the goblin rocks back and forth on his heels and nervously awaits your judgement.

While Lamorak is interrogating his new Commodore, and as Maiabel cleans the last scrap of gore off the Dark Lord's breastplate, noting a half dozen small dents or scuffs in the enchanted metal in need of further care Sharkan and Cypher were busy with their own discussions.

Spoiler: Cypher

Aulani did not match the face or mannerisms of any figures previously well known enough for you to have covered them in your files. That said, her appearance does provide some minor clues. Firstly, she moved oddly, as if this was not a new or unfamiliar form but she was not quite as at home in her body as you might expect. Secondly, her accent carried traces of a foreign dialect to it, long written over by a Beastclan accent but from elsewhere originally. Thirdly, you noted that while most humans of the fishclans that provide the Beastclan lesser sailors are bronze-skinned by birth, she carried subtle signs of being paler and then tanned over the course of years, as some-one from thee north of the continent or else recent immigrants from somewhere up there.