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Thread: unOrdinary

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    May 2007

    Default Re: unOrdinary

    That's all true, but it's not really backed up with what the author shows us in the story. Almost none of the characters in the setting actually act that way. The only one who does is Zeke, and he's treated as if he's trash by the narrative and other characters. The way the characters act is not consistent with what the author tells us about the setting. Honestly, the setting has never been very internally consistent. If it was truly "might makes right" like we're supposed to believe then John would have never been arrested, businesses wouldn't have security to prevent high tiers from acting out, principals wouldn't be stepping in to stop fights, etc. The setting has always seemed more like an excuse to let characters act out rather than something truly fleshed out or realistic.

    You can say "well, the way John acts is completely normal for the setting" but if that's not actually shown by any of the other characters acting that way then it rings hollow.

    Quote Originally Posted by -D- View Post
    How's that hard to understand? He's like the poor guy that got suddenly rich, then wasted his newfound wealth on petty things.
    He's been bottling his range/pain since school, then used his power to seek vengeance, with predictable results. No matter who he hurt he couldn't ever get satiated, a tale as old as time.

    Plus, conditioning from Keon ensured he'd only use his powers in situations he's backed in a corner. In those situations, his temper takes over. Even his dad said so in last season.
    Understanding why someone does something doesn't make it ok. I understand why lots of terrible people end up the way they do.
    Last edited by Anteros; 2022-03-08 at 11:42 PM.