Lily listened with her arms crossed before her, her face still tense with anger. One might notice that the smell wafting off of her was stronger than normal, and rather than her typical flowery scent it was more like...well, oddly, like fresh-baked bread.

...But she did listen. Watcher giving them additional information did mollify her slightly, and perhaps more importantly, it gave the analytical, reasonable part of her a bit more to work with, shifter her somewhat out of Traumatized Victim mode and into Dispassionate Scientist mode.

She could admit, grudgingly, that if the three of them would have developed their powers anyway, if Watcher wasn't responsible for that...then containing them and trying to make deals to constrain the amount of damage they did was...probably the least wrong option. It sucked for them, sure, but it was different than if he had indeed been the one to give them their powers.

The indication that the future he had come back to prevent was something worse than the league made little impression on Lily. But the idea of a Manchineel with no trace of humanity - suggesting of course that the current one did have some - was mildly terrifying, to a woman who had faced the wrath of the mad dryad.

She didn't actually answer the pigeon, just continuing to fix it with her steely glare. She could understand the Watcher's choices, could even admit - in her own head at least - that she might have made them herself, given the same circumstances (though she would like to think she could have come up with a better option, given more information and time to think about it, but she was self-aware enough to know that that may well have just been pride speaking). But that still didn't mean she approved.

But once the bird was gone...she kinda deflated, dropping her arms slack at her sides and sagging a bit. The scent coming off of her changed to jasmine as she said, "Well...I suppose it would be stupid not to go there and learn whatever we can, huh?"

She sounded resigned. The question wasn't entirely rhetorical. There was a part of her that was kinda hoping one of the others could present a good argument that it wouldn't.