Surprise Round ...

S13: A small stalactite hangs from the cavern ceiling, seemingly suffused with strange crystalline veins and nodules. Without warning, its crystalline elements begin glowing faintly and crackling with barely restrained energy, just before those lights strobe out painfully to the eyes! Ginny and Apophis are both dazzled by the effect!

S9: Another of the stalactites, next to the first and both in front of and just above Ozzy also gives a strobing flare. This time, Visto, Ginny, and Rod are dazzled (and Ginny and Apophis both affected further).

Begin Round One ...

Visto, you are dazzled right now. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Visto: 18. DAZZLED til R4T9!!!
Sol: 16.
Ozzy: 14. DAZZLED til R3T9!!!
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
>>> Ginny: 13.9. DAZZLED til R6T9!!!
DS1 (Red): 13. Can't flare again until R4T13.
Rodriguez: 12. DAZZLED til R2T9!!!
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
Apophis: 10. Shield til 2.8 min. DAZZLED til R4T9!!!
* AB: THP 5. +2 insight saves. +4 insight damage rolls.
DS2 (Blue): 9. Can't flare again until R1T9.