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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    Round 1

    The Bronze Link closest to Floral reels away from her in sudden disgust before collapsing to the warehouse floor in shudders of nausea, unable to rise. Unfortunately, that gives the rest of the enemies near enough to Floral to smell her the warning they needed to cover their noses/smelling orifices, ignoring the sudden sickly sweet scent.

    Floral's acid fruits drop on the line of Helpers, melting them into slag before they can react. The lights atop the remaining Helpers instantly turn red as they register an attack on their fellows, quick jerky movements from their spindly arms conveying an almost living-seeming agitation. The unliving mummy directly in front of Floral proves that it is not slow zombie by lurching aside from the dripping fluid in a stumble of uncanny speed, its half-covered, shrunken eye rolling in its socket as it mutters and groans.

    The wave of fire from Helios burns away much of the mummy's cloth wrappings, exposing desert-dry grey flesh that crisps and blackens unnaturally. It howls, twisting away from the fire, even as a Sapling and an unfortunate Bronze Link both are bowled over by the roaring flames.

    Ariadne fires a bolt of threads which neatly snare a Sapling and squeeze it into unconsciousness, but the red string isn't able to get a good grip on the hulking Boaris before the maddened boar creature rips through them with a razor-sharp tusk.

    And then the indistinct figure in midair waves his hands, the world turns sideways and purple greens for just a second, and every Helper bot, Bronze Link, and Sapling still standing drops to the concrete in unison, the lion's share of their vitality plucked from them as though it never was. "The f---" Wrath exclaims, her rage momentarily overwritten by shock. Boaris snorts, his brain re-working what to do with the sudden loss of enemies nearby. The mummy simply groans.

    "Oi, you... blurry-looking creepshow!" Flames suddenly burst up from under Wrath's feet, and she kicks up into the air. "Lay off!" The kicking flight transitions into a full roundhouse kick at Nope's face, and then Wrath is past him, skidding to a stop next to the open hole Boaris made when he entered.

    The massive boar-creature was distracted by the read thread; it follows the bright color to a figure garbed completely in scarlet, standing far away. The black, hate-filled eyes flare, and Boaris lowers his massive head, tearing across the warehouse at a lumbering run to crash into Ariadne--and if he hits, he rears up and flings the thread-controller into the air and directly at Helios behind him.

    The mummy, still reeling from the flames and the strange deletion of some of its essence, throws its head back and looses an unearthly wail; every opponent that can hear it feels the sudden urge to run, to flee, to escape this nightmare creature, abandoning any attempt at guarding themselves in their panicked flight.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Move Action: Fly to AH23, in front of Nope.

    Standard Action: Use Roast on Nope, All-Out attacking for 2. (1d20+10)[30] Crit! On a hit, Resistance DC 27/22 37!/27 vs. Penetrating (Pierce Resistance) Damage and Impaired & Vulnerable/Disabled & Defenseless.
    Also since Wrath touched Nope, Cloak of Rage might activate (11+): (1d20)[5] If so, to hit: (1d20+8)[25] On a hit, Resistance DC 27 vs. Damage. Not Active.

    Move-by Action: Shift to J18, floor.


    Move Action: Shift in a straight line to AA30.

    Standard Action: Use Pinball on Ariadne. (1d20+10)[12] On a hit, Resistance DC 25/20/20 vs. Damage and Vulnerable/Defenseless and being Luanched backwards into Helios. Miss

    If Launched, to hit Helios: (1d20+10)[14] On a hit, Resistance DC 25/20 vs. Damage and Vulnerable/Defenseless (the Affliction is Contagious).


    Move Action: Dazed.

    Standard Action: Use Wail.
    Floral: (1d20+10)[15] Miss
    Helios: (1d20+10)[12] Miss
    Ariadne: (1d20+10)[11] Miss
    Nope: (1d20+10)[18] ...Hit

    On a hit, first roll Defense DC 20 to negate, then if that fails, Resistance DC 20 vs. Entranced/Compelled/Controlled (Limited to Only Run Away from the Reanimated) and Weaken Defense.

    All PCs are up!
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2022-02-16 at 10:35 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?