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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Mar 2012

    Default [M&M 3e] Defying the Future IC

    August 1, 2018. The Dome has been over the city for a month.

    In that time, while the League of the Future formed at least in name, the five super-powered people have rarely interacted, at least in public. Lockdown focuses on building up his power base by recruiting people with potential and people without—anyone who’s willing to make a deal. Manchineel sticks to the Manitou Forest, sending out monsters occasionally and steadily erasing all signs of human habitation from the lands around Forester’s Bay. Apophis appears where he wishes and does whatever he likes, sowing small seeds of chaos independently from his fanatic followers, the Suneaters. Doctor Proxy remains unseen, abducting people and things almost at random and creating new mechanical monsters to serve their strange purpose. And Watcher makes his speeches about patience and the needs of the future and remains in his Obelisk, rarely seen, the shimmering Dome a constant evidence of his invisible presence.

    The city of Forester’s Bay is by no means in a good place, but being menaced by five supervillains with varying levels of intensity is not as bad as a concerted team effort would be, and there’s no real signs of a true alliance coming into place between the members of the League.

    At least, until today.

    Here’s the series of events, from what you each could pick up. Nope, sitting quietly in his normal persona in a bar in Pub Alley known to be frequented by Bronze Links, overheard a conversation about a deal struck between a Proxysuit and Dragon, the Gold Link in charge of recruitment and discipline in the Chain Gang. It seems that there was a warehouse on the edge of Forester’s Park that contains some sort of plastic which Doctor Proxy wanted, and they were willing to hire the Chain Gang to secure the warehouse for them as a gesture of cooperation. Whatever Doctor Proxy wants, Nope doesn’t want them to get, so Remy prepared to step in.

    Floral, watching the movement of the Saplings on the edges of the Manitou forest, spied a Bronze Link member enter into the forest waving a white flag and calling out to negotiate with Manchineel. About a day later, she was passing by Forester’s Park and saw a small group of Saplings and a malformed, hugely muscled boar-like creature with a piece of white cloth wrapped around one of its tusks entering into a warehouse… through one wall. That seems like something a Superhero should deal with!

    Helios and Ariadne knew the least about the situation; they both responded separately to rumors about Apophis appearing in the area, and followed the sound of destroyed architecture and fighting.

    At first, dealing with the group of Bronze Links led by the Silver Link known as “Wrath”, the Helpers sent by Doctor Proxy, and even the Saplings led by the Punishment-boar went fairly well; as the four super-heroes on the scene, you were able to recognize one another and coordinate fairly quickly, even against the fiery blasts of Wrath and the raging swipes of the Punishment. Doctor Proxy’s Helpers seemed to ignore everyone as long as nothing got in their way, so you were able to leave them alone and focus on the other enemies. The Bronze Links started falling quickly and the Saplings weren’t far behind.

    And then a pair of honest-to-Ra mummies wandered in through the warehouse doors, wailing through their bindings and setting upon anything moving that they came across. The battle got… a bit more chaotic after that.

    Wrath, her dark brown hair in disarray, the “glove” of delicate silver chains melting into slag on her left hand, looks up from the charred remains of one mummy, her bright orange eyes glowing with anger as she snarls at the remaining Bronze Links to “Deal with the other one so we can focus, here!” Waves of heat roll off of her, distorting the air. The Bronze Links move to obey, one Link looking nervously across at the Boar Punishment, two closing in on the remaining mummy, and the other four spreading out from where they were supporting Wrath to face down their foes.

    The Boar Punishment coughs wetly and grunts, Helios’ Combust still taking a slight toll on the massive beast, though it is far from beaten. It and the Saplings have gone berserk from the chaos, lashing out at anything near them. One support pillar is already down, and the Boar eyes the other pillars through its black, hate-filled eyes.

    The Helpers have been darting in and out of the warehouse doors in orderly columns, taking packaged blocks of plastic sheeting to a secondary location, depositing them there, and then returning in blurs of speed. Now, they have encountered an obstacle. The Helper at the lead of the column lifts itself slightly on its squat chrome legs, one spindly arm reaching out with an almost inquisitive air towards the mummy standing in its path, then to either side at the Bronze Links also in the way. The other Helpers wait with unnatural stillness, ready to strike or flee as the front-runner makes its assessment.

    For the mummy’s part, it continues to wail and mutter in what might be Ancient Egyptian, its cloth-wrapped head rolling from side to side as it looks at nothing at all, twitching in unnatural jerks first this direction, next that one.

    The situation may have gotten a little bit out of hand.

    Spoiler: Helios
    Two days ago, you eavesdropped on Dante testing out his powers. He chanted for a long moment, slammed his fists into the ground, and pulled two mummies by the head out of the ground, directing them with his mind as though they were puppets. Satisfied, he drove the mummies back into the ground and muttered to himself that he was “one step closer.”

    It’s a fair bet to guess that these mummies aren’t from Apophis directly, but “gifts” from Dante to Helios.

    Spoiler: Assessment DC 10 (nested)
    The Bronze Links are PL 6 (+4/+2), with a 2-point Defense shift.

    The Saplings are PL 7 (+7/+0), with a 2-point Defense shift.

    The Helpers are PL 6, (+6/+0), with a 2/point Defense shift.

    All are minions.

    Spoiler: DC 15
    Boaris is PL 10.

    The Reanimated is PL 10.

    Spoiler: DC 20
    Wrath is PL 10.

    Boaris’ Attack and Effect shifts are +5/+5.

    The Reanimated’s Attack and Effect shifts are +8/+2.

    Spoiler: DC 25
    Wrath’s Attack and Effect shifts are +8/+2.

    Boaris has a 2-point Resistance Shift.

    The Reanimated has a 2-point Resistance shift.

    Spoiler: DC 30
    Wrath has a 2-point Defense shift.

    Spoiler: OOC
    OOC Thread

    Here’s the map! Place yourself wherever you like on it within the warehouse.

    All PCs have 1 Bruise to start off, since we’re starting in the middle of a fight. And since it’s in the middle of a fight, All PCs are on turn. Best of luck!
    Last edited by Zelphas; 2022-02-15 at 11:11 PM.
    Originally Posted by Xefas:
    "I need the Goblins in phalanx arrangement. Sky Blotters in the back! Swissles? Assume the Swizzle Stick Formation! We're going in!"
    What Pokemon am I?