Andrew D Devenney of Superhero Necromancer Press is Kickstarting the release of the fourth volume in his system-neutral 'zine series on the Rainy City. This one is called Beasts of the Outer Swells.

It will list a variety of creatures that can be encountered beyond the Rainy City, at the end of the world.

The previous pdfs are available for purchase through; hard copies can be ordered from the publisher.:

Volume 1: A Visitor's Guide to the Rainy City.

Volume 2: Flott's Miscellany Vol. 1

Volume 3: Flott's Miscellany Vol. 2

NB: While I am not a contributor to these volumes, nor an employee of the publisher, I have been an enthusiastic backer of the previous 3 volumes through Kickstarter. I think they're simply brilliant.