R4T8: Visto might be struggling to swim, but he still can tell that Eric is hurt. He draws out his Akashic power from Eric and redirects it into his friend's wounds, allowing them to start closing up. After making contact with his friend, Visto tries again to swim upward, still extremely uncomfortable under the water, but managing to get at level with Eric, just as ...

R4T4: Eric's bleeding stops as he gains 5 healing, but is still unconscious. Unable to breath taken out of him, he is at round one of drowning. He drifts down another 5', so that he and Visto have effectively swapped vertical positions.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

Ozzy, what do you do? You don't really see anything going on underwater. Ginny is flying next to you. Do you take the raging song this round?

Black fish on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Swamp Barracuda (Silver): 23. (-8:32). GRABBED by Apophis. DYING!!!
Ozzy: 15. Aura of misfortune. At surface, but head underwater. Hold breath (31).
* Ginny: 14.9.
Sol: 13. DELAYING!!!
Swamp Barracuda (Black): 12. (28:32).
Apophis: 10. Taking Raging Song! Bleeding mouth (1d6/rd, DC 20 Heal to stop). GRABBING Silver. Breath (25).
Rodriguez: 11. RAGING SONG!
Visto: 8. Hold Breath (30). 15' depth.
Eric: 4. FH5 til R9T8. Round one of drowning complete. 20' depth.