R4T15: Moving along the shore, Ozzy moves to clear the nearest land for the fighters in the water to return to, and, reluctantly, enters the water south of the conflict to help. Holding his breath and submerging underwater (and no longer benefiting from the rage song), Ozzy attempts to stab at the southern fish with his akashic spear for 9 akashic while keeping his other hand braced against land. Ginny flies around, circling above her master's general position.

R4T13: Sol, helpless, delays but otherwise keeps his sunrod held over the water to light the water and the area as best as possible.

R4T12: Black swims down just a little to attack Eric from above, biting Eric right in the ear w/ a light crit wound for 16. This is enough for Eric to expel his air and go limp, bleeding into the water. The fish is to into its attack and continues with a tail slap against Eric's head for 4.

R4T11: Rod, do you maintain your raging song? What do you do?

Apophis on deck, Visto in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Swamp Barracuda (Silver): 23. (13:32). GRABBED by Apophis.
Ozzy: 15. Aura of misfortune. At surface, but head underwater. Hold breath (31).
* Ginny: 14.9.
Sol: 13. DELAYING!!!
Swamp Barracuda (Black): 12. (28:32).
Rodriguez: 11. 20' up on ladder. RAGING SONG!
Apophis: 10. Taking Raging Song! Bleeding mouth (1d6/rd, DC 20 Heal to stop). GRABBING Silver. Breath (25).
Visto: 8. Hold Breath (30). 20' depth.
Eric: 4. Breath lost. DYING!!!