
ELethielle looks atthe horses and smiles, patting the nearest one. "THey seem well cared for. If we are planning to rest then will one of you help me lay these hapless fools to the ground." she asks. Hoping there is a volunteer to help her dig the graves for the dead bandits so she doesnt have to do it all herself.
On the topic of a watch she nods, "I can take and early or a late one, my pet here has excellent vision in the dark."

Spoiler: OOC

Elethielle (Ellie)
M LG Half Elf Summoner (Wild caller) [VMC Druid], Level 1, Init 2, HP 8/8, Speed
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, CMD 13, Fort 1, Ref 2, Will 3, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Shortbow (20) +2 (1d6, x3)
Reach Longspear (-) +1 (1d8+1, x3)
Longsword (Cold Iron) +1 (1d8+1, 19-20)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16
Condition Half Elf: Immune sleep, +2 vs Mind Affecting
Trait: +1 saves vs Fey

Summon Animal I: 6/6 remaining

Biped Eidolon - Looks like cross between a wolf and a large cat
HD 1d10 HPs 7/11 BAB +1 Saves 3/4/0 Init +2 Speed 40ft
AC 16 ( +4 natural, +2 dex)
Bite +3 (1d6+2), 2 x Claws +3 (1d4+2) +1d6 bleed
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11
Skills (4): Perception (1) +4, Stealth (1) +6, Survival (1) +4, Acrobatics (1) +6
Feats (1): Power attack
Evol Pool (4): Limbs, Bite, Claws (1), Bleed (claws) (1), Imp Natural armour (1), Pounce (1)
SQ: Darkvision, link, Share spells
