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Thread: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Worse Than the Disease 2 IC

    Bart and the two local men each take a shot. Sean then tries to get the remaining dogs before they get away. Whatever is the total catch, Sean allocates the local men one dog each and takes the rest for himself, placing them in the pickup truck. He drives everyone back to their base, which is close enough, and says he came here to hunt and share the news. The first part is done for today, so we can proceed about the second. Dining with the local militia, Sean tells about the recent operaton against the raiders' outpost (how it went and that one man got seriously wounded) and the mutants (their attacks on the Waffle House and the retaliation, also the mutants' tough physiology and their resistance to e.g. melee and buckshot attacks). Sean says nothing about Chalmers and his op, nor about the north-western base, nor about the team's further plans, but is otherwise ready to answer the questions. He says he expects the surrounding lands to be calmer, at least in short term, and if the locals can start looking for that vault that is pesumably nearby and if they need any help or have any expectations with regard to the task. Meanwhile, do the locals have any news of their own?

    That's it for today and Sean will go hunt the first thing tomorrow.
    Last edited by u-b; 2022-01-26 at 05:42 AM.