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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    May 2020
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    Default Re: Darths & Droids VI: Thread title will appear here when received

    Yeah, most fantasy and sci-fi shares the same fundamental element of "what if" in how their settings are created, built and explore certain themes or possibilities, with either "science" or "magic" being used as the explanation, but I wouldn't say that's enough to make them nearly the same genre. If so, we could lump it in with every post-apocalyptic setting that uses "radiation" as the explanation for everything weird about the setting.

    Star Wars blurs the lines, but the Force is the only truly fantastical element: reflavour it as an oddly broad branch of psionics (perhaps some "psionic chemistry" to account for sith alchemy), and the setting is entirely soft sci-fi. It's one of the reasons I tend to particularly enjoy the stories within the setting that don't follow force users as the main plot: those seem to be the ones most willing to explore and expand the setting beyond "religious force wars that just keep repeating".
    Last edited by Taevyr; 2022-01-23 at 08:42 AM.