Quote Originally Posted by Gez View Post
Star Wars never really had a clear idea of what "light" is exactly. I mean, they seem to think you can make sabers out of the stuff!
It can't have been called a "light" saber because it's a "saber" that glows, a relatively lightweight "saber," a fancy high-tech sword that somehow uses light in its operating mechanism, or for any other reason than that the blade is "made of light?" Is the Darksaber made of "dark?" Are the projectiles/beams produced by turbolasers, laser cannons, and superlasers necessarily lasers despite displaying few of the properties of real lasers?

The whole thing about the Hosnian system exploding in the Takodana night sky is absurd. Even if you use time travel to justify that the photons from the explosions are visible instantaneously 50 LY away, given the distance, it shouldn't be that large in the sky. Just a small point.
I'd argue this one's more of a JJ Abrams problem than a Star Wars problem - remember his 2009 Star Trek movie?