Laurelata checks for traps. There seem to be none on the door itself, though there is a keyhole (the lock is not engaged). The crossbows rather seem completely clockwork, even though Hewitt points out their divination auras. On each crossbow, there seems to be a box with maybe ten bolts, judging from its size, some swiveling mechanisms suggesting no dead zones in this rooms if they work like they seem they should, a big round basement connecting the thing to the ceiling and connected to every part of the crossbow, including te swivels and the string-pulling hook. Laurelata can only guess there should be a spring somewhere in there as divination magic is unlikely to provide the force.

The room remains silent during Henri's inspection and so he opens the door and looks in. The illumination of the ceiling turns on. The room appears to be a workshop, as evidenced by a table along the western wall laden with tools and mechanical parts. Beneath the table is a metallic chest of drawers. There is a closed door leading north.