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Thread: unOrdinary

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2020
    Right behind you

    Default Re: unOrdinary

    I've been in a similar place to John back in High School: when you make a click where you actually strike back at the bullies, it can be pretty damn attractive to led that long-simmering powerless rage spill out at everyone who didn't do anything because "they let it happen and are thus part of the problem".

    That's quite understandable, but it doesn't justify sh*t. It only makes you a key part of the problem as well, and keeps the entire messed up cycle going. The realism of the situation is one of the things I'm enjoying yhe most about the series: John's not healed or anything, he's essentially back to his original state of "keep my head down and ignore the system as much as possible", unwilling to even try to integrate into the improved Wellston. And that's quite understandable: he's been burned quite a few times and feels he doesn't deserve it either. But the high-tiers have been busy making amends for their mistakes, he should do the same... but probably only as soon as his mental state's healthy enough for it to be genuine.

    Which I guess won't happen quickly, as his sole motivation atm is "look out for Sera", not "try and help out Wellston". Friction's bound to come in there.
    Last edited by Taevyr; 2022-01-07 at 08:55 PM.