Marion Mordis

The Warlock was apprehensive about approaching the ogre town any closer than she already was. Violent brutes as they were, their intelligence was negatively correlated with their size and strength, and that made them dangerously unpredictable in situations like this. But then something else caught Marions eye.

Tilting her head back and drawing her eyes to the sky above, Marion narrowed her lids as she spotted the trailing, jagged shadows that seemed to be deliberately sailing in planned directions.

Now, call Marion skeptical, but unless those were a bunch of Wilderhammer dwarves atop their gryphons who just got lost on their way to Theramore...that wasn't a good sign.

Why didn't I stay in Azeroth, marry some artisan and have some babies instead...the Warlock pondered gingerly to herself as her lips pursed and her shoulders heaved in a sigh.

Marion clicked the fingers on her right hand, as a green-and-purple encasemnt seemed to surround her torso before dematerialising into her body.


Casting: Demon Armour.
Rolling: Expertise (Magic) to try and identify what those things are: (1D20+10)[16]