Tomoe... Actually seems a little off-put by how eager everyone is, but quickly snaps out of it.

"Alright, the first step is to be well, aware of your chakra. I assume that you have at least some basic ability in this regard, if you can use your chakra at all. Once you are aware of it, you focus it and channel it."

"In the land of iron, we start with using chakra flow in our own bodies. Technically there is nothing stopping you from going straight to channeling it into a weapon or tool, but we find that starting with your own body is somewhat easier while learning, and well, if you can get it right faster you can get good at it faster."

"Start with your dominant hand. Clear your mind of stray thoughts, focus on your hand, meditate on it if you have to, and try to be aware of your chakra as it flows through it... Then, direct the chakra in your body into your hand and keep it there."

"..Senko-sama? Would you also like to learn?"

Senko, without even standing from where she's sitting or turning to face the rest of the group, holds up a hand and... Yeah, she's already got it. The aura of chakra around her hand is more intense than Tomoe's, and it flickers somewhat, but...

"Sage Mode and, by extension, my clan's transformations, are a form of, or incorporate, chakra flow. I have been able to do the basic most applications of it for quite a while. Training in more advanced applications of it would be nice, but... Well, I experimented with combining chakra flow with water release and crushed the bones in my hand. For now, I intend to focus on nature transformation and basic chakra control."