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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    Mor'Lag comes charging into the combat with wrecking-ball force, using the momentum of the dash to reel back one mighty fist, and bring it forth into the stony back of the distracted demon-construct. But at the moment of impact, it's not entirely clear what happens. The blow does not translate into physical damage - surely that would leave a cracking of the stone - but instead some other, more mystical collusion of forces. A rush of wind scythes out from the point of the strike in a ring lined up against the plane of the ogress's impacting knuckles. A boom like a thunderclap echoes from the strike, and behind it, mingling with Mor and Lag's own cries of ferocity, is a sound like other ogre voices - this pair masculine and distant but loud and resonant - making some unintelligible declaration in the space of a half second.

    Tablesmasher stumbles forward from the strike, huge igneous legs nearly slamming over Brokenhorn as he scrambles out of the way. The infernal rounds on Mor'lag now with a demonic shriek, the felflame in its eyes, its neck socket, and issuring from between all its joints stuttering and guttering like a torch in hurricane wind.

    Spoiler: OOC Action Resolution!
    Mor'Lag has gone with an alternate effect for that crit, making it a Banishing Blow and manifesting for the first time a hinted at but undisclosed magical potential. The Infernal won the opposed Nullify roll (despite rolling at a -2 disadvantage!), but Banishing Blow as I've speculatively written it has the Secondary Effect modifier, so Tablesmasher will have to make that roll again at the end of Mor'Lag's next turn, too. Failure means being unsummoned!

    Jakk'ari's lightning flashes up into Headshot's stony skull, and it shakes its head with a screaming, sneeze like dismissal as the troll slips between its legs and begins his withdrawal. Regathering its senses, the infernal turns to pursue... just as a black-violet rift appears nearby it, projecting unsettling un-light in a complex geometric pattern on the earth around it. Similarly, in Marion's midst, a matching geometric pattern spiders out from the basic traces her powers have made in the ground and fill in the rest of the magical circle as if the spell desires so much to be cast that it's willing to split the labor. Both circles release a howl of cold, sterile air before Varghast manifests in a sucking truncation of sound, and lets out a mournful, howling groan that seems to agitate and draw the attention of the infernals. Curbstomp seems particularly enraged, backing off the palisade and turning its focus on the Voidwalker.

    Tablesmasher, his animating magics warring against the corrosive effect of Mor'Lag's attack, pushes through the disruption to lash out at the bifold ogress; but the attack is clumsy and overweighed, balanced badly against the stagger recovery from the Banishing Blow.

    Spoiler: OOC Turns!
    Marion and Isaera are up again! Marion, Varghast can act on your initiative for simplicity's sake. I had him manifest in the midst of the the fight and taunt (it only succeeded on Curbstomp right away, but he can just do it every turn!), but obviously you can do whatever you want with him.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2021-12-10 at 08:03 PM.