Mor'Lag stirs from her introspection, and makes an obvious effort to get her heads in the game. Picking up on Isaera's question, she answers as best she can. It's an ancestor stone - a relic carved from sacred rock (probably an elven runestone desecrated in the second war) in the abstract likeness of the progenitor of the Stonemaul clan, or some hero of its past, with a view to evoking their mythical virtues in the individual ogres in the settlement below. Additionally, Mor'Lag being as educated an ogress as she is, she understands that the runestones are what the orc warlocks used to radically increase the likelihood of ogres being born bifold, like Mor and Lag; and a town that sets up in the shadow of such an idol, with mothers who make offerings to it and expose themselves to its seeping magics, may indeed have some amount of epigenetic benefit from it, whether the ancestor it depicts really dwells in the stone or not.

It's not remarkable difficult to circle round and ascend the bluff, to inspect the idol. The long grasses make hiding a little easier, and from the elevated ground you can see that Stonemaul Village is an ogre colony in revelry. Hundreds of ogres reel and holler at each other in varying states of inebriation, with ale kegs empty and smashed all through the open, central plaza of the colony. Around that plaza, in a crescent of stony blisters on the landscape, ogre mounds offer housing to families and sub-clans young and immature ogres mingle freely in the revelry, though they are too young to have developed the taste for ale and are pleased to partake instead on the rolling feast that persists below; a truly gluttonous surfeit of meats and vegetables that must represent a year's frugal saving and trading for such a town.

Spoiler: OOC Rolls!
I'll take stealth rolls for everyone going up the bluffs with the intention not to draw attention to themselves. Have a +2 bonus because of the helpful long grasses.

And for once you're there, I'll take investigation rolls. I assume you're investigating 'to your strength' - so Marion in investigating the fel aspects of this idol, while if Isaera elects to roll Investigation instead of merely assiting, she's looking for more forensic and arcane aspects. Jakk'ari uses his shamanic powers to assist (that roll of a 9 + whichever stat I was likely to suggest beats the 10 you needed!) to shroud the area in light mist so you don't need to confine your investigation to vantages where you're not visible from the ground; which washes out at a +2 for anyone investigating.
Once I've got the rolls, I'll tell you what you've found!