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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    Jakk'ari avoids drinking any further given how much he had already ingested. Instead he sneakily exchanges his full tankard for an empty to avoid drinking but not snub a gift.
    Even while drunk and lagging behind his companions he could pieces together that Mor'Lag had caused a violent scene and placed them at a social precipice.
    Such aggression was a boon in combat but unsuited while being guests in a far flung village. Eventually this attitude would have to change. Unfortunately such a change could only be initiated from within.

    Noticing Marion and Isaera conversing with Mor'Lag reassuringly left him confident enough to believe no more incidents would happen tonight and hopeful for the future.
    Concluding that he didn't have anything to contribute he retires for the night at the Chieftain's den wondering just what to do during the upcoming day.
    Last edited by Plaids; 2021-11-16 at 06:09 PM.