Spoiler: Nefarious plotting in the unsuspicious tower
Isaera still could not help but blush a little at Balandar's advances. He was very flirtatious indeed as he piled on the compliments! Still, she makes the most and makes light of it, chuckling airily and responds, "Hah, to think my mere presence would put a pour soul's mind at ease and give him renewed purpose. It must be a gift of mine, because it seems to happen so often." It was at once, happily accepting the praise, but on the other hand, oh-so-politely telling this young rogue that she'd heard it all before, and he had better step up his game.

Pawn to king 4?

She manages a smile at the troll. A polite smile, in any case. It was so hard to be used to orcs, trolls, and the like, but it was slowly becoming a fact of life after moving to Theramore.

"Perhaps an introduction is in order? I am Isaera Runescribe. And no, I am not part of a crew or a delegation. I live in Theramore now after.. many unfortunate, world-sweeping events, as I am sure you have heard. The purpose of my visit to this village was not commerce, nor to socialize. Let's just say, I am conducting an investigation with some other hired hands."

She smiled again, courteously, and continued, "However, I don't mean to brush you off. I do believe discovering your establishment is.. a pleasant surprise. Just know that I am ill-prepared for trade, and in all likelihood, short on time come tomorrow."

Turning her attention back to the other, she says, "So.. Captain Brightstar, is it? Any news from Silvermoon?" Isaera still managed a composed demeanor, but there was still a certain intensity to her inquiry. She was very much interested in news from home.