Well, it was nice that this chief could speak some common, though the grammatical errors riddling his speech were distracting. Isaera considered for a moment not only what to say, but how to say it. She decided on speaking.. correctly, if anything, to set as an example and hopefully the old chief would get more used to it. She would also try to speak slowly.. rather awkwardly slowly in her opinion, and see if she could find some smaller words.

With a brief, yet deep nod of her head, in some attempt to show some respect and civility, Isaera begins, "We are glad to have a welcoming reception." Oof. She hoped those words weren't too big, but hopefully she spoke slowly enough.

"Thank you, Chief Targ. My name is Isaera Runescribe. We come from Theramore." She emphasized her identity by placing a hand upon her bosom, and Theramore by pointing in some vague direction, where she may have inaccurately thought it was from here.