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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Sydney, Australia

    Default Re: Darths & Droids VI: Thread title will appear here when received

    I hate spoiler-onlly posts and try not to make them, but...
    Spoiler: The Force Awakens and this thread
    latest commentary (2069): memnarch, please tell me you haven't been reading the spoilers on this page of posts! I mean, seriously! If you ever come back after the thread and reread, the side-by-side comparison with today's commentary is uncanny...

    You know it's meta when I have to put in a spoiler tag, not because this post was referring to anything about the original movie, but because it would give away the spoilers already written in this thread!

    But back to the actual comic strip, for all that the Irregulars are working in worldbuilding details to make the inevitable events in the movie make actual sense, they're not making the plot that predictable are they?
    Last edited by theangelJean; 2021-11-02 at 07:56 AM.
    I'm pretty much the opposite of concise. If I fail to get to the point, please ask me and I'm happy to (attempt to) clarify.