Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
I find the music in the temple to be a touch on the unsettling side myself.

Are you sure something bad happens on the petals, or is that just your instinct becuase flimsy platforms are often... flimsy in games like this.

"Tonight we dine on turtle soup!"

I like that Deku Link jumps into the chest to get things, especially since I was just thinking that he was big enough to fit in it.

The perspective on those jumps is dizzying. Getting vertigo just watching it.
Yeah, it's pretty unsettling! That's part of why I like it XP

It is super cute!

Quote Originally Posted by Lord Raziere View Post
Loop 3, Day 1: Spooky Carved Wood Temple
this temple has a creepy ancient vibe to it that fits with this game. a lot of the decorations make think a lot of this is carved wood.

"why is the camera like this?"
answer: your actually viewing things from Tatl's perspective.

.....Link doing the item thing while wearing the bomb mask is funny, makes it look like the skull is sad to receive this.
Every canned animation, But You're Wearing A Mask, is excellent honestly.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
Kind of a short episode today. You could probably have finished off the rest of the dungeon inside the half hour mark.

One of the lesser known abilities of the Great Fairy Mask is to draw faeries to you. While this is almost never directly relevant, the only fairy just aimlessly chilling around is the very first one you collect, it can be useful when you free a faerie from a distance, such as shooting a bubble or an arrow at whatever is trapping it, then putting on the mask to guide the now freed faerie to you.

Also, I'm reminded of how much I played this game when I got it in the GC 26th Anniversary Zelda Collection because I still have this dungeon memorized. Including the location of a faerie you've passed at least a half dozen times so far. A couple of them, actually. However, I won't be spoilering them because a) that would be rude, b) that would be pointless as you've already recorded the entire dungeon run ahead of time so it's not like you'll be able to react to it, and c) the ability you get from collecting them all isn't exactly mandatory.

If that Majora's Mask indentation on the floor is what I think it is, then it used to be the mark of the boss of the dungeon, and is actually both relevant and actually quite useful in getting the 'best' ending.

Normal arrows, when shot through a lit torch sconce, become burning arrows. There is a place in this dungeon where this is relevant. It becomes more relevant in later dungeons.

I'd never killed the Lizalfos in that manner before. That's... actually pretty darn clever.

Also, there's exactly two minibosses per dungeon. One guarding the treasure of the dungeon (the bow in this instance), and one guarding the Big Key. I'll talk more about the latter in the next episode when we meet it.

Yea, those butterflies that hang around torches? They hurt if they catch you. And they chase lit deku sticks. You already had a time limit doing fire-related stick puzzles due to the sticks burning out. They didn't have to add injury to insult, but for some reason, they decided this was a good idea.

You know, those flying insects guarding the compass? I saw the flowers in the ground and thought I had to beat them by jumping out of the flower like I did the turtles. I never knew they went down to deku bubble shot so easily. Learn something new every day.
Possibly! I could have maybe had this be a 40 minute video, but I'm still getting back into the swing of things with recording Majora's Mask.

I think I did show off the Great Fairy Mask's drawing power... if not in this one, then the next. Likewise with the arrow shooting through flame.

I've... never really realize there are two minibosses, one for the item and one for the boss key. I've always known but, but never really made the connection?

The deadly fire moths are so weird a decision.

Quote Originally Posted by DataNinja View Post
Well, these dungeons are definitely atmospheric so far. The whole game really does a good job with that.
Yup! That's something Majora's Mask is fantastic at.