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Thread: Hero Oh Hero

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Re: Hero Oh Hero

    New comic

    I dunno, Tobi. "Will your answers make us kill you?" is a pretty good question.
    With that in mind I'd definitely wait until I've heard all their answers before voting.

    Also, if it wasn't consistent with how it acted so far I'd think the Smile-Voice (the game_master) wanted Tobi and Jay-Jay to take the deal.
    I mean, I still suspect it, simply because it might want to keep the Smile-suit in the game- not the player necessarily, but having a "body" to hijack and act directly in-game seems like it is too useful a pawn/tool to discard this early in the experiment.
    Still, might just be part of the "very literal GM persona". Maybe.

    Edit: Also, looking at the previous round of votes I'm not sure how useful the "Are you the Host?" question actually is.
    If the Host is in the game, would the lies get you killed rule even apply to them? That and the unrestricted killing seem like the more obvious exemptions for them.
    Last edited by Kantaki; 2021-11-01 at 04:41 PM.
    "If it lives it can be killed.
    If it is dead it can be eaten."

    Ronkong Coma "the way of the bookhunter" III Catacombium
    (Walter Moers "Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher")