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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (OOC Thread)

    I like the idea of going to Brackenwall first to get the lay of the land and then going to the ogre village. In character there is enough reason to believe someone affiliated with the horde is sympathetic to the party and giving information of a demonic presence would be appreciated given the ring the party has. We just need to be careful to not incriminate ourselves by revealing a fell wielder is in the party.

    @Windstruck. Sorry if you felt like you got dogpiled by the party. The goal should be for everyone to have fun.
    I hastily interpreted the conversation between Isaera and Mor'Lag as the following.

    Isaera: "We need to infiltrate the ogre village. Mor'Lag you are an ogre they will trust you. Now all we need is a big conical for you to wear and everyone else to hide in to trick those idiots."
    Mor'Lag: "Why do you assume that will work? Just because I'm an ogre. You have upset me."

    I was making assumptions based on the Warcraft lore trend I know off which is that generally the more stereotypically monstrous races like orcs and minotaurs are made more sympathetic. Given details such as orcs were enslaved by Gul'dan, the tauren are peaceful nature lovers, and Thrall has similarities with the biblical Moses at least in the Warcraft movie and Warcraft 3 by being washed down a river then presumably adopted and leading his people on a journey in the wild. respectively. So I was assuming the elf was being rude to the ogre in the situation.
    Last edited by Plaids; 2021-10-31 at 01:05 AM.