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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    Marion Mordis

    Marion offered a pleasant smile to Torian as he darted over to offer her a hand of assistance in descending the side of the wagon. It was a sweet gesture that she appreciated, and Tarion was rewarded with his efforts with a warm smile and a genuine "Thank you, goodman Torian."

    "I know a few things about mining..." Marion admitted, her right hand strokign her jaw as she gazed upwards in idle thought, "but that runs in the family. Or it used to, anyway..."

    "I served an engineering apprenticeship at Dalaran while also enrolled as a regular student. That is how I spotted our initial problem," she crooked her right index finger to point towards the wrapped-around chain.


    During the temporary residence at the watchtower, Marion noticed something.

    She was watching how the elf and ogre took rather poorly to the humid, fetid and insect-choked environment of the swamp, their constitutions ill-prepared to see off the myriad dangers that sought to lay them low with infirmity. Marion herself had fared much better, and though she may enjoy the idea that her mountainous upbringing had installed within her a heartier fortitude, it was quite a tale to say that one was tougher than an ogre. Thus, the engineer considered the differences between herself, Isaera and Mor'Lag, and the warlock quickly discerned that of the three only she was dressed properly for their surroundings. She wore no thick raiments, but rather she was almost entirely covered. The elf, meanwhile, had paraded herself around in a way that the noble-born Alteraci kept to herself, while the ogre, naturally born and raised within a backwards and savage culture, bedecked herself with only the crudest forms of linen (in Marions opinion anyway).

    Why would this matter?

    Well, Marion knew well of how a carcass left upon the earth would soon attract a swarm of flies. Likewise, she had seen the mosquitos and other repulsive insects buzzing around their camp, hour after hour, their needles, stingers and injectors helping themselves to their exposed skin where they could.

    Naturally, Marion considered just telling the two to wrap up and wear something decent, Isaera in particular, like a traveling lady should and that their illness was the universes way of suggesting that they dress with a better sense of propriety. But between a who-knows-how-old-elf and enormous ogre, Marion did not fancy her chances of getting them to change their minds. So perhaps they needed something else that would keep the insects away?

    For a good long while Marion pondered this puzzle on her own, merely seated in a corner with a small bit of food and a writing pad and pen, taking notes, jotting down thoughts and observing the world around her.

    Then she spotted the beastly Troll working his primitive alchemy, and an idea suddenly ignited within Marions brain. A 'Eureka!' smile splitting her features, she buried her attention into the note-book before her and started to feverishly write, draw and compute.


    Marion is using her 'Inventor' advantage to create the following:

    Power: Immunity 1: Disease.

    Inventing: (1D20+6)[24] vs TN DC 11.

    She's making a Warcraft Bug Repellent.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2021-10-25 at 09:11 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger