Lorrimor Place....

Razvan, Marius, and Abrax are both doing a general read of the materials procured from Harrowstone's records. Not being a comfortably couched narrative, however, means very dry clerical things ... which in turn mean Marius and Abrax discuss the supernatural threats they faced. As knowledge alone isn't enough (Marius' forte), Abrax is able to give Marius and Razvan some pointers on certain things to concentrate or meditate on when facing such horrors, particular in the resistance of necromancy and other phenomena that attack the spirit.

Wren, reading something else, listens in on the ability of the mind to overcome or endure in the face of horrors, but tries not to look interested in the conversation.

There is a loud, singular knock of the door. It is bad form for guests to open the door, so after 30 seconds the loud knock occurs again, but this time in slow triplicate. KNOCK ... KNOCK ... KNOCK.

The maid, in full night-gown, comes to answer the door, passing by the menfolk in the sitting room (for some reason, that was a more relaxing place to be than the study), and opens the door. Almost immediately, there is a scream of terror!

Marius (only), what do you do?

The Laughing Demon ...

The dwarves are drinking their Liquid Ghost when the sibling group from elsewhere in the Palatinates introduce themselves as the "Penny Pipe Paupers."

Only seconds after they begin their woodwind ensemble act, there is a fluttering from above straight down for the two dwarves below!

A strange hybrid of bat and insect flaps down and lands on Hargrimm's right shoulder, attaching itself with its many little legs. A little proboscis of some sort lances into Hargrimm's neck and sucks out blood, doing 1 CON!

Othello, what do you do? There is one of these things flying and flapping 10' above the ground, and one of them attached to Hargrimm.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker, Lorrimor Place

Marius: 22.
Professor Lorrimor: 20. (22:22).
Abrax: 18.
Wren: 17.
Zauberei: 15.
Razvan: 13.
Kendra: 8.
Paula: 4.

Spoiler: The Laughing Demon

Stirge: 18. (10:10). ATTACHED to Hargrimm.
Othello: 17.
Hargrimm: 15. Stirge #1 ATTACHED!
Stirge #2: 9. (10:10).