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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    Jakk'ari's warning is sufficient to get himself, Zachery, and Jarl into the hut with the door closed; and the discussion on how to proceed transpires in hushed tones between the scouts. Jarl is wary, but doesn't kick up a fuss. He has survived this long out here by agitating as few people as possible. He agrees to keep watching over the Theramore cadet until the medical team can come to extract him, and tolerates the pair of newcomers in his little home for as long as they need to speculate on their escape. But after a few minutes, even the best efforts to locate where that hunched figure was hiding in the grasses and trees seem in vain; and a speculative scouting of the area on foot shows that the orc has left them in peace. But not with peace of mind - hanging from a throwing knife pinned into a mangrove tree is a small trinket: a small woven cord of sturdy grass, with beads and feathers tied into its length.

    Spoiler: {Fluff} Being a Troll (Automatic Success); Being a Hunter (Automatic Success)
    Beneath a carved symbol in the wood in rangersign that suggests threat from a third part (not the carver or intended recipient) and to another third party is a trinket both scouts will recognize as belonging to a raptor. Raptors in Azeroth are only a little less intelligent than people, and even then the line is blurry. They demonstrate high complexity pack tactics, limited tool use, and even a rudimentary religious observation and enshrinement of their dead. Some are skillful enough to braid grasses into cord, and to make these bead-and feather trinkets that are often worn on the arms and tail, with unknown significance. They are a dangerous and deadly enemy; but when bonded, they make excellent mounts and hunting partners for trolls who have the patience to acquire their respect.

    If the orc's message here is to be believed, then there is a raptor threat to someone other than Zachary and Jakk'ari. And since the two didn't find any indication of raptors on the way here, they must be approaching that third party from another angle - one that the orc felt compelled to warn them about. The obvious candidate for the potential prey must be on the road by now, expecting to rendezvous with Zachary and Jakk'ari at the appointed time - they'll have to hurry if they're going to get back in time to benefit from the warning!

    - - - - - -

    There had been a 'green scare', that morning. Other-Oscar had claimed to have spotted an orc watching them, and the cry that the horde was coming had awoken the camp. Closer inspection found no orc at all, and other-Oscar had copped some good natured abuse for his jumpiness. Once everyone had calmed down, breakfast had been devoured and camp deconstructed, the convoy was once again on the road with the added assurance that their scouts were clearing the way ahead of them, and would alert them of any potential threat. Brother Bright hadn't seriously expected they'd find anything worth worrying about. But then a few hours into the second day's travel, with the sun high in the sky making the marsh hellishly humid, the Brother called a halt to the wagon's travelling chorus as Jakk'ari and Zachary break from the marshy treeline with obvious haste towards the group.

    "Hold the horses," he says with a demeanor that lurches from friendly to soldierly in a heartbeat, "and take up your arms. It seems like it won't be a straight-shot to the Northpoint tower after all."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Jak N Zac get back just in time to warn the convoy to prepare. They have slunk past atleast eight sleek, reptilian predators with red scales and hunter-killer eyes; partially obscured in the grasses and waters as they wait for their leader's signal to strike. Everyone can roll initiative, and get one free round of preparation before the raptors attack!

    The drivers turn the wagons inwards so all the horses are in the centre, and draw spears as they take up positions in the spaces between the wagons to protect the beasts. The medics cluster together in the centre of the wagons with wands drawn, and Brother Bright himself stands up in the seat of the foremost wagon, staff in hand, scanning about for the threat while inclining an ear to whatever the recently returned scouts have to say.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2021-10-18 at 06:55 AM.