R4T13: Razvan calls into the room, "Well done, Hargrimm. I believe that action harmed it, but I sense that it is still there. I am narrowing down its location but area of effect seems to be our best bet for this course of action."
Spoiler: Razvan
You sense a single, moderate undead aura in your area of effect.

R4T9: Abrax, what do you do?

Zauberei on deck, Othello in the hole ...

Spoiler: Battle Tracker
HEROES: +2 morale saves vs. fear for 24 hours.
Paula: 18.
Hargrimm: 15.
Razvan: 13. Detect undead, round 1 complete.
Abrax: 9. Blindsense til R12T9.
* Mage armor. Barkskin (+2 natural armor enhancement) for 13 min.
Zauberei: 8.
* Mage Armor. Light on quarterstaff.
Othello: 7. Waraxe in hand, shield readied. Silver crane waltz. READIED action to leave when everyone else is out.
Cold Spot: 6. (14:24).
Marius: 5. Polearm in one hand, hooded lantern in other (6 hours oil remain), 30'/30' light.
* Ant haul lasts six hours.