Huh, didn't notice it was Neorice themselves that dropped the chapter link.

If you're still reading the thread, kudos, love the comic- many thanks for taking the time to make it for us! I know pixel art isn't nearly as simple as some people make it out to be, and yours is very good.

Infinite, by the very nature of his powers, seems to be the one who could fake his own death the easiest.

That being said, there's someone else in play that everyone seems to be forgetting- both inside the comic and out- how much control does Infinite's Spirit of Pandemonium have over the clones that they generate for Infinite, should they happen to be in the mood to exert said control? A clone that shot its putative 'master', chucked the gun someplace inaccessible and out of sight, and then vanished into the aether would make for quite the locked-room mystery...